Autumn Show and Sale of Registered Shetland Ponies
Schedule and Conditions of Entry
Show 2.00pm – Monday, 14th October 2024
Sale 10.00am - Tuesday, 15th October 2024
JUDGE: Mr Nick True
STEWARD: Miss Karen Hodge
CLASS 1: Colt Foals
CLASS 2: Filly Foals
CLASS 3: Licensed Stallions 4 years old and over
CLASS 4: Colts 1 – 3 years old (including Licensed 3 year olds)
(Unlicensed males 4 years old and over can be entered for the sale, but can’t be shown)
CLASS 5: Geldings
CLASS 6: Yearling Filly
CLASS 7: Two Year Old Filly
CLASS 8: Three Year Old Filly
CLASS 9: Mares 4 years old and over
***Entries are Limited to 12 Ponies Per Person***
Shetland Pony Stud-Book Society, Shetland House, 22 York Place, Perth PH2 8EH
Tel: 01738 623471
McCartneys LLP, The Heath Meadow, Nunnery Way, Worcester WR40SQ
Tel: 01905 769770
Ponies can arrive from Midday on Sunday 13th October
Please call the market to confirm arrival
This sale is run under the auspices of the Shetland Pony Stud Book Society (SPS-BS) and the show is affiliated to the SPS-BS.
Ponies must be the bone fide property of the vendor at time of entry and must be registered in their name with the SPS-BS and if castrated must be correctly registered as a gelding.
Once entered it is understood that ponies will be forward for the sale. Any vendor withdrawing stock from the sale without a valid reason or vet’s certificate will be fined £100 per pony. If the fine is not paid, then the vendor will be unable to enter ponies into subsequent sales.
Ponies must not be removed from pens without the owner or his/ her representative being present.
At all Sales, if the owner is not present in person, a representative must be nominated in advance who will be responsible for the ponies.
All stock must be registered with the SPS-BS. The deadline for foal passport applications is 31st July.
The minimum age of foals to be sold is eighteen weeks on the day of the Sale even if being sold at foot. The foal’s exact date of birth must be stated on the entry form.
It must be emphasised that foals, unless being sold at foot, must be living independently, weaned and able to eat hard food.
No ponies will be accepted for sale if they have undergone any form of surgical procedure e.g. castration, within 4 weeks of the sale date.
Owners who have had ponies suffering from an infectious disease within six weeks of the Sale must not present any ponies for sale. Any ponies showing symptoms of an infectious disease such as coughing, swollen glands, high temperature or a muco-purulent nasal discharge (snotty nose) will be excluded from the Sale.
The sale organisers reserve the right to call out a Veterinary Surgeon, at the vendors cost, should the need arise.
The sale organisers reserve the right to refuse to offer for sale any equine that the welfare officer or veterinary surgeon deems to be too young or unfit in any way.
When a horse or pony goes through the sale ring wearing a head collar or bridle, the animal must be left with a head collar after it is sold, but not necessarily the one it was sold with. When a horse or pony goes through the sale ring without a head collar, it would be sold on that understanding.
Any ponies over the age of eighteen years must have a Vet’s certificate, dated the day before the Sale, stating that the pony is fit to travel. The pony must only be vetted the day immediately prior to the Sale. If no such certificate is received by the Auctioneer, the pony must not be permitted to go forward for sale. No ponies over 20 years of age will be accepted for sale.
Any mare or filly that has been running with an entire male that has not passed the SPSBS Voluntary Vetting Examination (VVE) will not be accepted for sale.
If a mare is in foal, it is assumed it is to a stallion registered with SPS- BS. The covering stallion’s name and registration number and date(s) of covering must be clearly stated on the entry form. As from 1 January 2022 all foals registered with the SPS-BS must have a DNA profile of the sire completed. Buyers need to be aware of this when purchasing an in foal mare.
In the interests of welfare, lactating mares without a foal at foot will not be accepted for sale, nor will mares due to foal within eight weeks or less of the date of the sale. Mares 3 years old or younger with a foal at foot will not be accepted for sale. Fillies younger than 3 years old that have been running with a stallion will not be accepted for sale.
Entry forms MUST be completed in full or they will not be accepted
Entry fees are detailed on the sale entry form
If ponies are catalogued, as “for sale due to stud dispersal”, it is assumed that the ponies will be sold and not taken home unsold.
In the interests of welfare, working ponies of four years old or over only may be clipped on the body only.
Passports & microchips for ponies will be checked at the sale. Vendors must ensure they contact a “checker” immediately upon arrival at the Mart to have their ponies’ passports checked prior to handing your passports to the auctioneer’s office. It is the responsibility of the vendor or any person acting on their behalf to ensure that this is carried out.
A pony will not be permitted to be presented for sale unless a checked passport has been received by the Auctioneer’s Office prior to the Sale. The Passport must then be passed to the new owner for the onward journey.
TRANSFER FEES – Please note that it is now the responsibility of NEW OWNERS to pay the transfer fees for ponies they have purchased. The same rates apply for both members & non-members. All transfer fees are £20 per pony. THESE TRANSFER FEES WILL BE CHARGED ON TOP OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF ANY PONY YOU BUY.
VALUE ADDED TAX - Where ponies are sold from consignors who are VAT registered, VAT will be added to the Auctioneer’s knock down price.
If a pony is to be exported, the purchaser is responsible for arranging an International Pony Movement Certificate (IPMC) and a fee of £50 is payable to the SPS-BS. Export fees and arrangements will be in addition to this and are the responsibility of the purchaser.
The Society reserves the right to randomly DNA test ponies which would involve taking a hair sample.
The sale show is affiliated to the SPS-BS and will be judged under their rules. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to familiarise themselves with these rules prior to entering.
Entire males aged 2 years and over must be bitted and it is recommended that they display a stallion badge on their bridle both in the Show, Sale Ring and when outside their pens.
All 4 year old and over entire males must be in possession of their VVE to be entered into the showing classes, entire males 4 years old and over without their VVE cannot be shown.
Buyers are reminded that any ponies they purchase are at their risk at the fall of the hammer. No undertaking of the Auctioneers or their servants to take charge of any lots after the sale or to forward them to their destination shall be held to impose upon the Auctioneers any legal obligation. Whilst evert effort is made by the organisers to ensure that the information given regarding pedigree, ownership, detail of colour and date of birth is correct, the responsibility remains with the prospective purchaser to verify these details. Liability for errors and omissions will not be accepted by the Society or Auctioneers.
It is good practice to isolate any newly acquired animals for at least two weeks before mixing with other equines or attending any events.
Children aged 14 years and under must wear a hard hat conforming to the current British Safety standards both in-hand & ridden. For health & safety purposes handlers/exhibitors must not kneel whether in the show ring or sale ring.
The dress code for the showing section at society sales can be relaxed but standard showing attire is preferred.
Conditions of Sale
Updated June 2024
McCartneys LLP Equine Sales are held subject to the Conditions of Sale attached above which form the basis of the contract between Purchaser and Vendor.
All potential Vendors and Purchasers are advised to carefully read these Conditions of Sale. These Conditions of Sale take precedence over any previously issued Conditions of Sale.
The attention of Purchasers is particularly drawn to their rights and the procedures and time limit to be completed within, in the event of complaint or dispute.